Alan French Property Maintenance

My route to becoming a general builder was a straightforward one.  It all started when I was about 11 years old when my mates and I used to watch the bricklayers building the new houses behind our home in Freeland.   Sometimes we would run errands for the builders - down to the shops and so on.  I liked the fact that the builders had a laugh whilst getting the job done, but most of all, I liked the fact that they had something to show at the end of a day's work for their efforts.

I left Bartholomew school, after completing my O-levels, and took up a three year bricklaying apprenticeship with Cassington Builders. This suited me perfectly because it meant that I could learn the theory at The Oxford College of Further Education (Oxpens) and put it into practice at the same time as an apprentice working on the job.

I can honestly say that after over 40 years in the building trade, I have never looked back and still enjoy being on the tools!

© Alan French Property Maintenance
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